04 March 2022
SSC MTS रिजल्ट 2020 जारी कर दिया गया है ✅ सबसे पहले अपने नाम और रोल नंबर से यहां से चेक करें रिजल्ट
Staff Selection Commission conducted Computer Based Examination (Paper-I) of Multi
Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff Examination, 2020 from 05.10.2021 to 02.11.2021 at various
centers all over the country.
2. As the Computer Based Examination was conducted in multiple shifts, marks scored by
candidates have been normalized as per the formula published by the Commission on its website
vide Notice No: 1-1/2018-P&P-I dated 07.02.2019. As per the provision under Para-17.1 and
Para-17.2 of the Notice of the Examination, candidates have been shortlisted in Paper-I using
normalized scores of the candidates. Further, separate age group-wise, category-wise and State/
UT-wise cut-off have been fixed in Paper-I, as the vacancies are reported under two age groups
i.e. (i) 18 to 25 years and (ii) 18 to 27 years.
3. As per the guidelines mentioned under Para-16.1 of the Notice of the Examination,
candidates were required to give preferences of States/ UTs/ ‘All India’, in the order of priority, in
the online application form. Codes for giving preferences were given at Annexure-XIV. The
guidelines at Para-16.1 to 16.5 of the Notice of the Examination are reproduced here for ready